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BrainStars: 1427758_x_at: Ighv3-8

Affymetrix Probe set ID 1427758_x_at
Gene Name immunoglobulin heavy variable V3-8
immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (G1m marker)
immunoglobulin heavy constant mu
immunoglobulin heavy chain (J558 family)
immunoglobulin heavy variable 14-2
Gene Symbol Ighv3-8 IgG1 Igh-4 Igh-6 Igh-M Igh-VJ558 Igh6 Ighg1 Ighm Ighv14-2 Igm VH7183 muH AI326478 AI893585 EG633674 Gm16414 Gm16683

BrainStars Expression at 51 brain regions

Expression graph Expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

BrainStars classification of 48 brain regions by multi-state gene analysis

# States 1
Score 30.3311677204544
Multi-state expression graph Multi-state expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

Other brain expression resources

Cross section images

The ViBrism cross section images (whole brain mode: beta version) were provided by the ViBrism team. A full 3-D model of the expression is available at their ViBrism site.

Links to other resources

ViBrism Igh-6
EMAGE (Ighv3-8)

BrainStars 1-D expression files

You can download BrainStars expression data in a table.
TSV format file BrainStars expression in a tab-separated values format
CSV format file BrainStars expression in a camma-separated values format

BrainStars 3-D expression files

You can download this entry's BrainStars expression data putting on 3-D mouse brain models.
VCAT format file BrainStars expression putting on a brain model.
The file can be viewed with a software, VCAT, downloadable from VCAD@RIKEN site.
XPR format file BrainStars expression putting on a Allen Reference Atlas brain model.
You can view the XPR file with the Brain Explorer software provided by the Allen Institute.

External links

Entrez GeneID 780831 16017 16019 16061 668421
MGI ID MGI:96446 96446 96446 96446 96446 96446 96446
Ensembl ENSMUSG00000076614 ENSMUSG00000076621 ENSMUSG00000076674
UniGene ID Mm.304472
Agilent ID A_51_P122752 A_51_P203148 A_51_P244396 A_51_P311235 A_51_P351953 A_51_P391836 A_51_P461067 A_51_P461902 A_51_P485421 A_52_P1054013 A_52_P358360 A_52_P476989
ViBrism Igh-6
EMAGE (Ighv3-8)