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BrainStars: 1433019_at: Zbtb7c

Affymetrix Probe set ID 1433019_at
Gene Name zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7C
Gene Symbol Zbtb7c Kr-pok Zbtb36 B230208J24Rik

BrainStars Expression at 51 brain regions

Expression graph Expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

BrainStars classification of 48 brain regions by multi-state gene analysis

# States 1
Score 20.2099893414956
Multi-state expression graph Multi-state expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

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EMAGE Zbtb7c

BrainStars 1-D expression files

You can download BrainStars expression data in a table.
TSV format file BrainStars expression in a tab-separated values format
CSV format file BrainStars expression in a camma-separated values format

BrainStars 3-D expression files

You can download this entry's BrainStars expression data putting on 3-D mouse brain models.
VCAT format file BrainStars expression putting on a brain model.
The file can be viewed with a software, VCAT, downloadable from VCAD@RIKEN site.
XPR format file BrainStars expression putting on a Allen Reference Atlas brain model.
You can view the XPR file with the Brain Explorer software provided by the Allen Institute.

External links

Entrez GeneID 207259
MGI ID MGI:2443302
UniGene ID Mm.440160
RefSeq Transcript NM_145356
RefSeq Protein NP_663331
EMAGE Zbtb7c