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BrainStars: 1447999_x_at: Gapdh

Affymetrix Probe set ID 1447999_x_at
Gene Name glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase pseudogene
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase pseudogene
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase pseudogene
Gene Symbol Gapdh Gapd Gm12033 Gm2451 Gm2606 OTTMUSG00000005227

BrainStars Expression at 51 brain regions

Expression graph Expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

BrainStars classification of 48 brain regions by multi-state gene analysis

# States 1
Score -8.48370604611277
Multi-state expression graph Multi-state expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

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BrainStars 1-D expression files

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TSV format file BrainStars expression in a tab-separated values format
CSV format file BrainStars expression in a camma-separated values format

BrainStars 3-D expression files

You can download this entry's BrainStars expression data putting on 3-D mouse brain models.
VCAT format file BrainStars expression putting on a brain model.
The file can be viewed with a software, VCAT, downloadable from VCAD@RIKEN site.
XPR format file BrainStars expression putting on a Allen Reference Atlas brain model.
You can view the XPR file with the Brain Explorer software provided by the Allen Institute.

External links

Entrez GeneID 14433 100039840 100040109 100042746
MGI ID MGI:95640 95640 95640 95640
Ensembl ENSMUSG00000057666 ENSMUSG00000069939 ENSMUSG00000070025 ENSMUSG00000071343 ENSMUSG00000072432 ENSMUSG00000072451 ENSMUSG00000073737 ENSMUSG00000078088 ENSMUSG00000078142 ENSMUSG00000078162 ENSMUSG00000078191 ENSMUSG00000078300 ENSMUSG00000078573 ENSMUSG00000078696 ENSMUSG00000078965 ENSMUSG00000078967 ENSMUSG00000079311 ENSMUSG00000080830 ENSMUSG00000080994 ENSMUSG00000081221 ENSMUSG00000081494 ENSMUSG00000081600 ENSMUSG00000081721 ENSMUSG00000082424 ENSMUSG00000082484 ENSMUSG00000083773
UniGene ID Mm.304088
RefSeq Transcript NM_008084 XM_003085774
RefSeq Protein NP_032110 XP_003085822