BrainStars (B*)


BrainStars multi-state genes (Cb nucleus:down)

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7101 - 7125 of 10153 entries
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Probe set ID Symbol Name Regions Gene Category [asc]
7101 1456058_at [new page][PP page] Rbm27 RNA binding motif protein 27 47
7102 1456061_at [new page][PP page] Gimap8 GTPase, IMAP family member 8 47
7103 1456085_x_at [new page][PP page] Cd151 CD151 antigen 47
7104 1456096_at [new page][PP page] 6430573F11Rik RIKEN cDNA 6430573F11 gene 46
7105 1456098_a_at [new page][PP page] Elmo2 engulfment and cell motility 2, ced-12 homolog (C. elegans) 43
7106 1456111_at [new page][PP page] Fam55d family with sequence similarity 55, member D 45
7107 1456113_at [new page][PP page] Tbc1d25 TBC1 domain family, member 25 45
7108 1456126_at [new page][PP page] Malt1 mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation gene 1 46
7109 1456127_at [new page][PP page] Cnpy1 canopy 1 homolog (zebrafish) 46
7110 1456128_at [new page][PP page] Atp5g2 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit c (subunit 9), isoform 2 43
7111 1456138_at [new page][PP page] Lypd6 LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6 44
7112 1456139_at [new page][PP page] Airn antisense Igf2r RNA 47
7113 1456140_at [new page][PP page] LOC100045988 similar to OPR 44
7114 1456141_x_at [new page][PP page] Brcc3 BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 3 46
7115 1456143_at [new page][PP page] Prkcbp1 protein kinase C binding protein 1 25
7116 1456145_at [new page][PP page] Dleu2 deleted in lymphocytic leukemia, 2 43
7117 1456146_at [new page][PP page] LOC100047530 similar to oxysterol-binding protein-like protein OSBPL10 45
7118 1456159_at [new page][PP page] 33
7119 1456160_at [new page][PP page] 44
7120 1456180_at [new page][PP page] Rbm24 RNA binding motif protein 24 27
7121 1456203_at [new page][PP page] 1110020A10Rik RIKEN cDNA 1110020A10 gene 44
7122 1456208_at [new page][PP page] A530057A03Rik RIKEN cDNA A530057A03 gene 47
7123 1456209_x_at [new page][PP page] 45
7124 1456210_at [new page][PP page] 5430407P10Rik RIKEN cDNA 5430407P10 gene 43
7125 1456212_x_at [new page][PP page] Socs3 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 47
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
Copyright © 2009 RIKEN Center for developmental Biology.