BrainStars multi-state genes (SO:down)
Genes in a specific state at a specific region.
3276 - 3300 of 9111 entries
Probe set ID | Symbol | Name |
Regions ![]() |
Gene Category | |
3276 | 1418061_at | Ltbp2 | latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2 | 44 | |
3277 | 1418095_at | Smpx | small muscle protein, X-linked | 44 | |
3278 | 1418105_at | Stmn4 | stathmin-like 4 | 44 | |
3279 | 1418160_at | Mkrn3 | makorin, ring finger protein, 3 | 44 | |
3280 | 1418168_at | Zcchc14 | zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 14 | 44 | |
3281 | 1418470_at | Yes1 | Yamaguchi sarcoma viral (v-yes) oncogene homolog 1 | 44 | |
3282 | 1418659_at | Clock | circadian locomoter output cycles kaput | 44 | TF |
3283 | 1418726_a_at | Tnnt2 | troponin T2, cardiac | 44 | SP |
3284 | 1418727_at | Nup155 | nucleoporin 155 | 44 | SP |
3285 | 1418850_at | Epc1 | enhancer of polycomb homolog 1 (Drosophila) | 44 | |
3286 | 1418899_at | Ufm1 | ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 | 44 | |
3287 | 1419006_s_at | Peli2 | pellino 2 | 44 | |
3288 | 1419012_at | Zfpm2 | zinc finger protein, multitype 2 | 44 | TF |
3289 | 1419248_at | Rgs2 | regulator of G-protein signaling 2 | 44 | |
3290 | 1419288_at | Jam2 | junction adhesion molecule 2 | 44 | |
3291 | 1419306_at | Ccdc96 | coiled-coil domain containing 96 | 44 | |
3292 | 1419308_at | Invs | inversin | 44 | |
3293 | 1419407_at | Hc | hemolytic complement | 44 | NH/NT |
3294 | 1419465_at | Nkd2 | naked cuticle 2 homolog (Drosophila) | 44 | |
3295 | 1419518_at | Tuba8 | tubulin, alpha 8 | 44 | SP |
3296 | 1419527_at | Comp | cartilage oligomeric matrix protein | 44 | CA |
3297 | 1419574_at | Zfp292 | zinc finger protein 292 | 44 | |
3298 | 1419587_s_at | Rp2h | retinitis pigmentosa 2 homolog (human) | 44 | |
3299 | 1419602_at | Hoxa2 | homeo box A2 | 44 | TF Ng Hox |
3300 | 1419606_a_at | Tnnt1 | troponin T1, skeletal, slow | 44 |
TF=Transcription Factor;
CA=Cell Adhesion;
EM=Extracellular Matrix;
SP=Structural Protein;
NR=Nuclear Receptor;
AG=Axon Guidance;
SLC=SLC Transporter;