BrainStars (B*)


BrainStars multi-state genes (Cb nucleus:down)

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6851 - 6875 of 10153 entries
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Probe set ID Symbol Name [asc] Regions Gene Category
6851 1434759_at [new page][PP page] Lrrtm3 leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 3 43
6852 1434760_at [new page][PP page] Lrrtm3 leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 3 43
6853 1434761_at [new page][PP page] Lrrtm3 leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 3 43
6854 1440112_at [new page][PP page] Lrrtm3 leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 3 46
6855 1429306_at [new page][PP page] Lzic leucine zipper and CTNNBIP1 domain containing 47
6856 1429307_s_at [new page][PP page] Lzic leucine zipper and CTNNBIP1 domain containing 47
6857 1435815_at [new page][PP page] Ldoc1 leucine zipper, down-regulated in cancer 1 31
6858 1417290_at [new page][PP page] Lrg1 leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein 1 47
6859 1434121_at [new page][PP page] Lgi4 leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 4 46 Ng
6860 1437330_at [new page][PP page] Lrrk1 leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 47
6861 1451985_at [new page][PP page] Lrrk1 leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 47
6862 1451986_s_at [new page][PP page] Lrrk1 leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 47
6863 1431394_a_at [new page][PP page] Lrrk2 leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 45
6864 1443940_at [new page][PP page] Lrit2 leucine-rich repeat, immunoglobulin-like and transmembrane domains 2 40
6865 1433891_at [new page][PP page] Lgr4 leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 4 43 GPCR
6866 1427028_at [new page][PP page] Lgr6 leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 6 46 GPCR
6867 1437194_x_at [new page][PP page] Lrwd1 leucine-rich repeats and WD repeat domain containing 1 47
6868 1442502_at [new page][PP page] Lrch1 leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 1 43
6869 1454756_at [new page][PP page] Lrch3 leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 3 39
6870 1451522_s_at [new page][PP page] Lrch4 leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 4 47 TF
6871 1430217_at [new page][PP page] Lrguk leucine-rich repeats and guanylate kinase domain containing 46
6872 1460025_at [new page][PP page] Lrig2 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 2 39
6873 1430554_at [new page][PP page] Lrig3 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 3 46
6874 1430555_s_at [new page][PP page] Lrig3 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 3 46
6875 1450927_at [new page][PP page] Lztr1 leucine-zipper-like transcriptional regulator, 1 46
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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