BrainStars (B*)


BrainStars multi-state genes (Cb nucleus:down)

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7351 - 7375 of 10153 entries
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Probe set ID Symbol Name [asc] Regions Gene Category
7351 1456854_at [new page][PP page] Neurl neuralized-like homolog (Drosophila) 46
7352 1431936_a_at [new page][PP page] Neu2 neuraminidase 2 41
7353 1419339_at [new page][PP page] Neu3 neuraminidase 3 45
7354 1457283_at [new page][PP page] Nrg2 neuregulin 2 46
7355 1421017_at [new page][PP page] Nrg3 neuregulin 3 30
7356 1447717_x_at [new page][PP page] Nrsn2 neurensin 2 41
7357 1454691_at [new page][PP page] Nrxn1 neurexin I 34 CA
7358 1432931_at [new page][PP page] Nrxn3 neurexin III 45
7359 1459921_at [new page][PP page] Nxph1 neurexophilin 1 43
7360 1437964_at [new page][PP page] Nxph2 neurexophilin 2 34
7361 1456819_at [new page][PP page] Nrn1l neuritin 1-like 47
7362 1439099_at [new page][PP page] Nova2 neuro-oncological ventral antigen 2 44
7363 1448428_at [new page][PP page] Nbl1 neuroblastoma, suppression of tumorigenicity 1 44
7364 1417568_at [new page][PP page] Ncald neurocalcin delta 42
7365 1444466_at [new page][PP page] Ncald neurocalcin delta 47
7366 1438067_at [new page][PP page] Nf1 neurofibromatosis 1 45 CA Ng
7367 1421820_a_at [new page][PP page] Nf2 neurofibromatosis 2 47 SP
7368 1427708_a_at [new page][PP page] Nf2 neurofibromatosis 2 46 SP
7369 1450382_at [new page][PP page] Nf2 neurofibromatosis 2 47 SP
7370 1426412_at [new page][PP page] Neurod1 neurogenic differentiation 1 46 TF
7371 1426413_at [new page][PP page] Neurod1 neurogenic differentiation 1 46 TF
7372 1435411_at [new page][PP page] Neurod2 neurogenic differentiation 2 34 Ng
7373 1418047_at [new page][PP page] Neurod6 neurogenic differentiation 6 41
7374 1422839_at [new page][PP page] Neurog2 neurogenin 2 47 Ng
7375 1417996_at [new page][PP page] Ngb neuroglobin 28
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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