BrainStars multi-state genes (MD:down)
Genes in a specific state at a specific region.
7751 - 7775 of 10022 entries
Probe set ID ![]() |
Symbol | Name | Regions | Gene Category | |
7751 | 1450259_a_at | Stat5a | signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A | 43 | TF CA |
7752 | 1450260_at | Grpr | gastrin releasing peptide receptor | 38 | GPCR NH/NT |
7753 | 1450269_a_at | Pfkl | phosphofructokinase, liver, B-type | 46 | |
7754 | 1450272_at | Tnfsf8 | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 8 | 39 | |
7755 | 1450276_a_at | Scin | scinderin | 47 | |
7756 | 1450278_at | Tacr3 | tachykinin receptor 3 | 47 | GPCR NH/NT |
7757 | 1450284_at | Pde3a | phosphodiesterase 3A, cGMP inhibited | 46 | |
7758 | 1450286_at | Npr3 | natriuretic peptide receptor 3 | 46 | GPCR NH/NT |
7759 | 1450291_s_at | Ms4a4c | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4C | 47 | |
7760 | 1450294_a_at | Kcnj6 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 6 | 44 | Ch |
7761 | 1450299_at | Chrna7 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7 | 45 | Ch NH/NT |
7762 | 1450309_at | Astn2 | astrotactin 2 | 44 | |
7763 | 1450332_s_at | Fmo5 | flavin containing monooxygenase 5 | 47 | |
7764 | 1450333_a_at | Gata2 | GATA binding protein 2 | 46 | TF Ng |
7765 | 1450337_a_at | Nek8 | NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 8 | 46 | |
7766 | 1450338_x_at | Vmn2r-ps159 | vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 159 | 46 | GPCR |
7767 | 1450339_a_at | Bcl11b | B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 11B | 28 | Ng |
7768 | 1450341_at | Pcdhb8 | protocadherin beta 8 | 41 | CA |
7769 | 1450344_a_at | Ptger3 | prostaglandin E receptor 3 (subtype EP3) | 44 | GPCR |
7770 | 1450346_at | Gpr50 | G-protein-coupled receptor 50 | 46 | GPCR |
7771 | 1450347_at | Syt10 | synaptotagmin X | 47 | |
7772 | 1450352_at | Mtnr1a | melatonin receptor 1A | 47 | GPCR NH/NT |
7773 | 1450355_a_at | Capg | capping protein (actin filament), gelsolin-like | 39 | |
7774 | 1450357_a_at | Ccr6 | chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 6 | 45 | GPCR |
7775 | 1450366_at | Hrk | harakiri, BCL2 interacting protein (contains only BH3 domain) | 45 |
TF=Transcription Factor;
CA=Cell Adhesion;
EM=Extracellular Matrix;
SP=Structural Protein;
NR=Nuclear Receptor;
AG=Axon Guidance;
SLC=SLC Transporter;