BrainStars multi-state genes (Cb vermis:low)
Genes in a specific state at a specific region.
6226 - 6250 of 8030 entries
Probe set ID | Symbol | Name | Regions |
Gene Category ![]() |
6226 | 1460566_at | Mtap1a | microtubule-associated protein 1 A | 10 | |
6227 | 1460576_at | Exoc6 | exocyst complex component 6 | 36 | |
6228 | 1460578_at | Fgd5 | FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 5 | 47 | |
6229 | 1460603_at | Samd9l | sterile alpha motif domain containing 9-like | 40 | |
6230 | 1460604_at | Cybrd1 | cytochrome b reductase 1 | 40 | |
6231 | 1460615_at | Nt5dc1 | 5'-nucleotidase domain containing 1 | 47 | |
6232 | 1460627_at | Thsd7b | thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7B | 34 | |
6233 | 1460628_at | Eme2 | essential meiotic endonuclease 1 homolog 2 (S. pombe) | 15 | |
6234 | 1460660_x_at | Rer1 | RER1 retention in endoplasmic reticulum 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) | 46 | |
6235 | 1460677_at | Spats2 | spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2 | 46 | |
6236 | 1460724_at | Ap2a1 | adaptor protein complex AP-2, alpha 1 subunit | 35 | |
6237 | 1460738_at | Limd2 | LIM domain containing 2 | 38 | |
6238 | 1416644_a_at | Sema3b | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3B | 45 | AG |
6239 | 1418051_at | Ephb6 | Eph receptor B6 | 46 | AG |
6240 | 1418750_at | Plxnb3 | plexin B3 | 31 | AG |
6241 | 1419639_at | Efnb2 | ephrin B2 | 35 | AG |
6242 | 1419717_at | Sema3e | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E | 34 | AG |
6243 | 1420696_at | Sema3c | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3C | 46 | AG |
6244 | 1421527_at | Epha6 | Eph receptor A6 | 44 | AG |
6245 | 1422146_at | Sema5b | sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5B | 45 | AG |
6246 | 1422917_at | Epha1 | Eph receptor A1 | 47 | AG |
6247 | 1423454_a_at | Sema6c | sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6C | 47 | AG |
6248 | 1425906_a_at | Sema3e | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E | 27 | AG |
6249 | 1427673_a_at | Sema3e | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E | 34 | AG |
6250 | 1429348_at | Sema3c | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3C | 26 | AG |
TF=Transcription Factor;
CA=Cell Adhesion;
EM=Extracellular Matrix;
SP=Structural Protein;
NR=Nuclear Receptor;
AG=Axon Guidance;
SLC=SLC Transporter;