BrainStars (B*)


BrainStars multi-state genes (A anterior:up)

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3001 - 3025 of 3258 entries
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Probe set ID Symbol Name Regions [asc] Gene Category
3001 1428931_a_at [new page][PP page] Parp6 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 6 47
3002 1428964_at [new page][PP page] Slc25a18 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier), member 18 47 SLC
3003 1428978_at [new page][PP page] 2900009J20Rik RIKEN cDNA 2900009J20 gene 47
3004 1429047_at [new page][PP page] Rtf1 Rtf1, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae) 47
3005 1429081_at [new page][PP page] Gcc2 GRIP and coiled-coil domain containing 2 47
3006 1429099_at [new page][PP page] Duxbl double homeobox B-like 47 TF Hox
3007 1429107_at [new page][PP page] Ubr3 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 3 47
3008 1429131_at [new page][PP page] Ube2v2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 2 47
3009 1429161_at [new page][PP page] Arv1 ARV1 homolog (yeast) 47
3010 1429468_at [new page][PP page] 1110018F16Rik RIKEN cDNA 1110018F16 gene 47
3011 1429469_at [new page][PP page] A930013F10Rik RIKEN cDNA A930013F10 gene 47
3012 1429476_s_at [new page][PP page] Dnaja2 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, member 2 47
3013 1429589_at [new page][PP page] Gad2 glutamic acid decarboxylase 2 47 NH/NT
3014 1429623_at [new page][PP page] Zfp644 zinc finger protein 644 47
3015 1429685_at [new page][PP page] Gabrb2 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA-A) receptor, subunit beta 2 47 Ch NH/NT
3016 1429839_a_at [new page][PP page] Yaf2 YY1 associated factor 2 47 TF
3017 1430146_at [new page][PP page] 4933402N03Rik RIKEN cDNA 4933402N03 gene 47
3018 1430398_at [new page][PP page] 4921517O11Rik RIKEN cDNA 4921517O11 gene 47
3019 1430552_a_at [new page][PP page] Sbf1 SET binding factor 1 47
3020 1430583_at [new page][PP page] Nrcam neuron-glia-CAM-related cell adhesion molecule 47 CA Ng AG
3021 1430634_a_at [new page][PP page] Pfkp phosphofructokinase, platelet 47
3022 1431030_a_at [new page][PP page] Rnf14 ring finger protein 14 47
3023 1431077_at [new page][PP page] Alpi alkaline phosphatase, intestinal 47
3024 1431216_s_at [new page][PP page] Dnajc6 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 6 47
3025 1431226_a_at [new page][PP page] Fndc4 fibronectin type III domain containing 4 47
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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