BrainStars multi-state genes (MPA:up)
Genes in a specific state at a specific region.
2526 - 2550 of 3715 entries
Probe set ID | Symbol |
Name ![]() |
Regions | Gene Category | |
2526 | 1421385_a_at | Myo7a | myosin VIIa | 8 | |
2527 | 1436051_at | Myo5a | myosin Va | 47 | |
2528 | 1450650_at | Myo10 | myosin X | 11 | |
2529 | 1450651_at | Myo10 | myosin X | 7 | |
2530 | 1452740_at | Myh10 | myosin, heavy polypeptide 10, non-muscle | 45 | Ng |
2531 | 1422580_at | Myl4 | myosin, light polypeptide 4 | 8 | |
2532 | 1424269_a_at | Myl6 | myosin, light polypeptide 6, alkali, smooth muscle and non-muscle | 47 | SP |
2533 | 1420473_at | Mtpn | myotrophin | 45 | |
2534 | 1427117_at | Mtmr3 | myotubularin related protein 3 | 44 | |
2535 | 1456700_x_at | Marcks | myristoylated alanine rich protein kinase C substrate | 21 | |
2536 | 1449716_s_at | Nrd1 | nardilysin, N-arginine dibasic convertase, NRD convertase 1 | 15 | |
2537 | 1436959_x_at | Nelf | nasal embryonic LHRH factor | 46 | |
2538 | 1458676_at | Nktr | natural killer tumor recognition sequence | 12 | |
2539 | 1415923_at | Ndn | necdin | 19 | Ng |
2540 | 1435382_at | Ndn | necdin | 16 | Ng |
2541 | 1435383_x_at | Ndn | necdin | 34 | Ng |
2542 | 1437853_x_at | Ndn | necdin | 32 | Ng |
2543 | 1455792_x_at | Ndn | necdin | 31 | Ng |
2544 | 1422554_at | Ndnl2 | necdin-like 2 | 6 | |
2545 | 1416473_a_at | Nope | neighbor of Punc E11 | 44 | |
2546 | 1416474_at | Nope | neighbor of Punc E11 | 44 | |
2547 | 1452552_at | Npn2 | neoplastic progression 2 | 47 | |
2548 | 1452106_at | Npnt | nephronectin | 27 | CA EM |
2549 | 1416919_a_at | Nphp1 | nephronophthisis 1 (juvenile) homolog (human) | 4 | |
2550 | 1448523_at | Nphp1 | nephronophthisis 1 (juvenile) homolog (human) | 3 |
TF=Transcription Factor;
CA=Cell Adhesion;
EM=Extracellular Matrix;
SP=Structural Protein;
NR=Nuclear Receptor;
AG=Axon Guidance;
SLC=SLC Transporter;