BrainStars (B*)


BrainStars: 1448715_x_at: Ccrn4l

Affymetrix Probe set ID 1448715_x_at
Gene Name CCR4 carbon catabolite repression 4-like (S. cerevisiae)
component of oligomeric golgi complex 6
SH3-domain GRB2-like (endophilin) interacting protein 1
cDNA sequence BC094435
Gene Symbol Ccrn4l Ccr4 Cog6 SGIP1alpha Sgip1 gag mKIAA1134 nocturnin 3110007P09Rik 4933405E16Rik AU018618 AU043840 BC094435 ENSMUSG00000073624

BrainStars Expression at 51 brain regions

Expression graph Expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

BrainStars classification of 48 brain regions by multi-state gene analysis

# States 2
Score -27.6227387834754
Multi-state expression graph Multi-state expression map
PDF files: Expression Graph, Expression Map

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EMAGE Ccrn4l

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BrainStars 3-D expression files

You can download this entry's BrainStars expression data putting on 3-D mouse brain models.
VCAT format file BrainStars expression putting on a brain model.
The file can be viewed with a software, VCAT, downloadable from VCAD@RIKEN site.
XPR format file BrainStars expression putting on a Allen Reference Atlas brain model.
You can view the XPR file with the Brain Explorer software provided by the Allen Institute.

External links

Entrez GeneID 12457 67542 73094 639390
MGI ID MGI:1920344 1920344 1920344 1920344
Ensembl ENSMUSG00000023087
UniGene ID Mm.86541
RefSeq Transcript NM_009834 NM_026225 NM_144906 XM_915804
RefSeq Protein NP_033964 NP_080501 NP_659155 XP_920897
EMAGE Ccrn4l
Copyright © 2009 RIKEN Center for developmental Biology.