BrainStars (B*)


BrainStars one-state genes

One-state genes with variable (high variability score) or stable (low variability score) expression patterns (Help)

15676 - 15700 of 18904 entries
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Probe set ID Variability score Variability rank Mean [asc] Standard Deviation Present regions Symbol Name Gene Category
15676 1456930_at [new page][PP page] -0.0797384 10984 9.03444 0.252243 46 Camsap1 calmodulin regulated spectrin-associated protein 1
15677 1443955_at [new page][PP page] -0.462073 16055 9.03462 0.172097 48 1700094D03Rik RIKEN cDNA 1700094D03 gene
15678 1456599_at [new page][PP page] 0.579529 3118 9.03477 0.487811 48 Nxt2 nuclear transport factor 2-like export factor 2
15679 1448743_at [new page][PP page] 0.129176 7778 9.03571 0.310932 47 Ssx2ip synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 2 interacting protein CA
15680 1458161_at [new page][PP page] 0.289967 5783 9.03577 0.365171 48 Kcnq1ot1 KCNQ1 overlapping transcript 1
15681 1460706_s_at [new page][PP page] -0.518305 16617 9.03652 0.162783 47 Rer1 RER1 retention in endoplasmic reticulum 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
15682 1440902_at [new page][PP page] 1.82005 18 9.03693 1.68711 48 Ermn ermin, ERM-like protein
15683 1454869_at [new page][PP page] 0.807945 1748 9.03706 0.613185 47 Wdr40b WD repeat domain 40B
15684 1456433_at [new page][PP page] 0.285596 5837 9.03716 0.36376 48 Rcbtb1 regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) and BTB (POZ) domain containing protein 1
15685 1419037_at [new page][PP page] -0.0562838 10626 9.03741 0.258531 48 Csnk2a1 casein kinase 2, alpha 1 polypeptide
15686 1459861_s_at [new page][PP page] 0.292952 5749 9.03787 0.366611 48 Fbxl10 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 10
15687 1425099_a_at [new page][PP page] 0.397291 4680 9.03791 0.407091 42 Arntl aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like TF
15688 1423741_at [new page][PP page] -0.444056 15879 9.03793 0.175509 48 Rbm10 RNA binding motif protein 10
15689 1423646_at [new page][PP page] 0.334978 5289 9.03798 0.382525 48 Zdhhc3 zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 3
15690 1460736_at [new page][PP page] -0.582859 17167 9.03814 0.152774 48 A230054D04Rik RIKEN cDNA A230054D04 gene
15691 1423205_at [new page][PP page] -0.396834 15361 9.03824 0.184009 48 Tm9sf4 transmembrane 9 superfamily protein member 4
15692 1435964_a_at [new page][PP page] 0.591032 3035 9.03846 0.494181 48 Taok3 TAO kinase 3
15693 1424101_at [new page][PP page] 0.337986 5258 9.03854 0.383678 45 Hnrnpl heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L
15694 1426518_at [new page][PP page] -0.05345 10583 9.03869 0.259399 48 Tubgcp5 tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 5
15695 1450436_s_at [new page][PP page] 0.821836 1693 9.03871 0.622443 47 Dnajb5 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 5
15696 1437395_at [new page][PP page] 0.607779 2907 9.03874 0.5025 48 Zcchc11 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 11
15697 1438318_x_at [new page][PP page] -0.315814 14351 9.03886 0.199537 48 Ngdn neuroguidin, EIF4E binding protein
15698 1448543_at [new page][PP page] -0.0142484 9964 9.03887 0.269769 47 Slmo2 slowmo homolog 2 (Drosophila)
15699 1436056_at [new page][PP page] 0.310099 5556 9.03899 0.373126 48 Kif13b kinesin family member 13B
15700 1435480_at [new page][PP page] -0.257383 13565 9.03919 0.211544 48
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
Copyright © 2009 RIKEN Center for developmental Biology.